Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

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Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by 0000DS »

Hi all,

My cousin had a vehicle accident +- one week ago and is still in IC in Flora Clinic on the West Rand.
He urgently requires blood (O+), but there isn't any available. :thumbdown:

We need to get 112 people to donate blood for him, as he needs 2pints of blood per day for the next 8 weeks.

Below is the e-mail on his behalf from his mom.
If anyone can help, please contact me via "pm or e-mail" or respond directly as per the attached letter and instructions.

"Hi Everyone,

It’s been a long day but we now have clarity on the situation regarding the donation of blood for Roneil Kruger. Due to the fact that this is a “specific donation” for Roneil there is a lot of “red tape” for this type of donation and you will note that there are certain steps which we need to follow. Riaan Smit from the SANBS sent us this information (also contained in the e-mail we received below) regarding the procedures for a “specific donation”:

As discussed, here is a breakdown of what is needed to be done in order for these donors’ compatibility to donate for your son, to be determined:

1) We need to determine the locations of the donors so that we can determine which donor centre would be the closest to them.

2) The donors need to go to the donor centres for a specimen to be drawn.

3) The specimens need to be taken to the nearest blood bank (we will let the donors know which are closest) so that the blood bank can test for compatibility.

4) The compatible donors will then be notified of where they can donate blood for your son.

Please note that there is a 48 hour delay between donation and when the blood can be cleared for delivery. We also need to look at a schedule of when the donors will be able to donate, but I believe Chantel has been working on this.

Please can you let us know when you will be able to have your blood tested for compatibility as set out above and if you are still willing to donate given the procedures we need to go through. The blood bank will issue you with a certificate confirming that you are O+ blood type. Only once you have received this certificate will you be able to donate specifically for Roneil. This certificate together with the attached letter must be taken with you to the donor centre once you have been notified that you are compatible to donate for Roneil Kruger.

We need to determine a schedule for donors to ensure that we have a certain number of people donating on particular days ensuring that Roneil receives the blood on a continuous basis until Doctors advise otherwise. Blood is only stored for a short period before it has to be destroyed (mass donation on one day will result in the same problem we faced with now) and we need to take into account the 48hr delay between donation and receipt of the blood by the patient.

If you are not willing to go through this procedure, in first having your blood tested for compatibility and to be issued with the certificate, the blood banks are still very low on available reserves. You will then be required to go to the blood donation centre and your blood won’t specifically be put aside for Roneil but will go into what they call the “blood pool”, which will be distributed to any patient requiring O+ blood. If you are willing to donate on specific days we will put you into the schedule to ensure that although we don’t have specific donors for Roneil we can at least be assured that there are people donating on a daily basis and we will be able to get blood be it from the “blood pool”.

Attached is a list of all the blood donation points so it would be appreciated if you can find the nearest to you and have your blood tested in the interim. Please note there is a small cost attached in having your blood type tested for compatibility, which the medical aid usually covers.

I really hope you will be willing to help and look forward to hearing from you all.
Kind regards

Chantell Holmwood
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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by Niel »

Red blood cell compatibilityBlood group AB individuals have both A and B antigens on the surface of their RBCs, and their blood serum does not contain any antibodies against either A or B antigen. Therefore, an individual with type AB blood can receive blood from any group (with AB being preferable), but can donate blood only to another type AB individual.
Blood group A individuals have the A antigen on the surface of their RBCs, and blood serum containing IgM antibodies against the B antigen. Therefore, a group A individual can receive blood only from individuals of groups A or O (with A being preferable), and can donate blood to individuals with type A or AB.
Blood group B individuals have the B antigen on the surface of their RBCs, and blood serum containing IgM antibodies against the A antigen. Therefore, a group B individual can receive blood only from individuals of groups B or O (with B being preferable), and can donate blood to individuals with type B or AB.
Blood group O (or blood group zero in some countries) individuals do not have either A or B antigens on the surface of their RBCs, but their blood serum contains IgM anti-A and anti-B antibodies against the A and B blood group antigens. Therefore, a group O individual can receive blood only from a group O individual, but can donate blood to individuals of any ABO blood group (i.e., A, B, O or AB). If anyone needs a blood transfusion in an emergency, and if the time taken to process the recipient's blood would cause a detrimental delay, O Negative blood can be issued.
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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by 0000DS »

"Blood group O (or blood group zero in some countries) individuals do not have either A or B antigens on the surface of their RBCs, but their blood serum contains IgM anti-A and anti-B antibodies against the A and B blood group antigens. Therefore, a group O individual can receive blood only from a group O individual, but can donate blood to individuals of any ABO blood group (i.e., A, B, O or AB). If anyone needs a blood transfusion in an emergency, and if the time taken to process the recipient's blood would cause a detrimental delay, O Negative blood can be issued."

Thanks Neil, looking for donors URGENTLY PLEASE :beg:

Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by chopper »

Responded to Chantell,
Will see if we can round up a few more here in the Pta area
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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by OOOOMS »

Hey tx Tinus, much, much appreciated, they are in desperate blood around....
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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by ChrisF »

Ooods is this requist limited to your region, or can members in other part of the country assist ?

PS - I donated in the 80's then after a bout of hypetitus I was told I cant donate any more. :(
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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by 0000DS »

ChrisF wrote:Ooods is this requist limited to your region, or can members in other part of the country assist ?

PS - I donated in the 80's then after a bout of hypetitus I was told I cant donate any more. :(
Hi Chris, preferable in the Gauteng area, as we all need to go to the BloodBank in Fairlands, from where they will send the blood to Roneil.
If we can't get enough people in Gauteng, then we will have to go nationwide.
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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by CasKru »

Ek kan help... is O+ (sover ek weet) kan julle vir my inligting stuur?
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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by bduk »

Ek is o+ en in die Cullinan omgewing.
Ek sal my deel doen in Pretoria so stuur maar die inligting
Wat ek is is net genade
Wat ek het is net geleen
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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by 0000DS »

Baie Dankie julle. :thumbup:
Ek het vir julle al die nodige informasie ge e-mail.
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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by fire »

Laat weet my ook as julle nie reg kom nie, ek en my SWAMBO is ook O+ so ons sal beslis vir julle kom bloei, ongelukkig in klerksdorp, so hou ons asb op hoogte. As julle nie reg kom kan ek n plan maak om in JHB te kom.
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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by 0000DS »

Hi Jacques,
Baie dankie, maar jou bloed gaan benodig word :thumbup:
Ons benodig 112 mense vir die volgende 8 weke.
PM my jou e-mail adress dan stuur ek vir jou die nodige dokumentasie waar sateliet donasies gedoen kan word. :clap:
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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by 0000DS »

Went to go see my cousin this morning :silent: and it doesn't look good. :(
He is still under sedation (been 13 days) and now on the dialises machine daily. It also looks like his liver is taking strain, as he is very yellow.

Please please donate blood for him :beg:
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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by Toerboer »

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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by OOOOMS »

Dankie Marius, hierde is 'n ernstige saak!

Soos Danelle genoem het was ons gou vanoggend by die hospitaal om ons bloedgroep tipe te gaan toets.

Ond het toe gou na die Trauma unit gegaan waar hy is......wel.... wat kan ek se ek kon nie praat vir 10 min daarna nie. Hy is in 'n baie slete toestand.....baie sleg, dit was sad....ek het hom skaars erken :!:

Dat so iets moet gebeur met so 'n jong man......

Bid vir hom asb ouens, hy en die famielie het dit nodig!!!
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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by Mud Dog »

What is his name? we shall keep him in our prayers!
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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by OOOOMS »

Mud Dog wrote:What is his name? we shall keep him in our prayers!
Tx Andy, his liver is also busy collapsing....
"Hi Everyone,

It’s been a long day but we now have clarity on the situation regarding the donation of blood for Roneil Kruger. Due to the fact that this is a “specific donation” for Roneil there is a lot of “red tape” for this type of donation and you will note that there are certain steps which we need to follow. Riaan Smit from the SANBS sent us this information (also contained in the e-mail we received below) regarding the procedures for a “specific donation”:
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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by Mud Dog »

Ag sorry man! I read that just yesterday morning :blink: .... let's just call it a senior moment. :eh:
Mark / Danelle, this doesn't sound good .... good liver and kidney function are so important during recovery, but let's be positive, he's made it this far and with a few more generous donors in your area along with the prayers of the Hilux brotherhood, his prospects must improve. Hang in there guys, I'll be rooting for all of you!
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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by 0000DS »

Hi all,

We received wonderful news regarding Roneil. Below is an e-mail from his mom, which says that his vitals are stable and that is responding to her when she talks to him. :yahoo:

His kidneys and liver is starting to work, which means that we might not need as much blood as what had originally stated.

If you are still interested in donating blood for Roneil, please send me your name and telephone number, so that we can contact you when the blood is required.

This will avoid a huge amount of blood being donated at once. Blood can only be kept for +-10 days.

A big thanks to everyone that has donated and is willing to donate blood for Roneil.

May God bless you and your families. :thumbup:


From: Marina Kruger []
Sent: 01 February 2011 6:10 AM
Baie dankie vir almal wat aangebied het om bloed te skenk vir Roneil.

Mense moet asb nie direk gaan skenk nie, maar eers net hulle name en tel nrs vir my e-mail. Ons hou ‘n lys en laat weet mense wanneer hulle moet gaan skenk sodat almal nie gelyk gaan nie.

Roneil is ongelooflik baie beter en reageer as ons met hom praat. Sy “vitals” is perfek en sy HB telling bly nou ongeveer 8.5. Dit beteken dat die niere self begin cope en dat ons dan dalk nie soveel bloed gaan nodig kry as wat ons oorspronklik gedink het nie.

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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by CasKru »

Dis mos nou goeie nuus. Aanbod staan nog steeds so skree maar net as dit nodig is
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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by Mud Dog »

AMEN! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thankyou:
When your road comes to an end ...... you need a HILUX!.


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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by Niel »

Baie goeie nuus
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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by troskie3 »

ek's O- en as ekke kan help moet julle my net laat weet.

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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by OOOOMS »

troskie3 wrote:ek's O- en as ekke kan help moet julle my net laat weet.

Baie dankie, sal laat weet :thumbup:
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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by Family_Dog »

Shot, let's continue to pray for him! :thumbup:


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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by ChrisF »

GOEIE nuus !!

sit nou weer met n knop in die keel en kyk ons kan saam trek om n "vriend" te help. maak my trots om deel van die familie te wees. :)
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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by OOOOMS »

ChrisF wrote:GOEIE nuus !!

sit nou weer met n knop in die keel en kyk ons kan saam trek om n "vriend" te help. maak my trots om deel van die familie te wees. :)
Chris, dit kan jy weer se :thumbup:
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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by luckyhit »

Baie sterkte julle!
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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by deanm »

Dean from Durban

I'm O+, and listed on the Bone Marrow Transplant Registry, and a regular blood donor. I'm happy to help, as my 55 day period between donations has passed.

083 645 4094

I'm in Cape Town this week, and back in Durban from 5th Feb. If you need me to shoot to a clinic in CT to donate, please drop me a SMS.

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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by 0000DS »

Hi Dean,
Thank you, we have added your name to our donor contact list :thumbup:
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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by merwn »

Sterkte julle ons bid en dink aan julle
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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by Mud Dog »

Any further news / change in his condition?
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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by 0000DS »

Mud Dog wrote:Any further news / change in his condition?
Spoke to Roneil's mom, who advised that they had to put him back onto Dialises for 8 hours yesterday. He had a tempreture close to 39 this morning and his HB counti s falling again. :thumbdown:
He is being monitored very closely.
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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by Stubs »

Hi Guys,

going to check my Army records tonight, cant remember if I am A+ or O + but would love to help, am in Hermanus Western Cape but would love to donate if I can...hope he is doing better..

Cheers Stuart
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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by Toerboer »

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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by 0000DS »

Just returned from hospital and Roneil is not doing well. It is not looking good. They had to operate this morning, as his stomach started to swell for no reason at all. They couldn't find anything wrong. After the operation, he also started bleeding again. They are trying to stop the bleeding and he has been put back on the dialises machine and receiving blood again. Please keep him in your prayers.
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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by CasKru »

Ai man .... daai is slegte nuus. Hy is in ons gebede.
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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by 0000DS »

Dankie Cassie :thumbup:
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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by pietpetoors »

Sterkte Danelle
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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by Mud Dog »

Hang in there guys. You are all in our thoughts and prayers.
When your road comes to an end ...... you need a HILUX!.


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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by Niel »

Sterkte en spoedige beterskap
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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by Johannes van die See »


Baie jammer om te hoor van die ongeluk, ons hoop en bid dat Roneil spoedig sal herstel.
Ek en Bianca is beide O+, laat weet hoe en waar dan maak ons n plan om ook bloed te skenk.

Groete uit die weskus.

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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by DustyDre »


Sterkte in julle krisis , Bid net en Glo en dit sal gebeur. Ons bid saam en vir julle. Sterkte.

My hele familie is O+ so laat weet net waar , wat en wanneer. Ons is in Mosselbaai.

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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by OOOOMS »

Roneil moet weer nou 12h30 ingaan vir 'n operasie aangesien die bloeding nie wil ophou nie.

Jacque dankie vie jou moeite :thumbup:
Se vir jou broer Juan ook baie dankie dat hy so vinnag van Kempton kon deurkom WRand toe vir die bloed skenking. :thumbup:

Roneil, moet nou 2 punte bloed daagliks ontvang van donars.

Dankie julle vir die goed wense en die blomme wat gestuur is, julle ouens dink aan als! 'Van die Hilux Manne'. Danelle weet nog nie om rede sy al vroeg vanoggend by die hospitaal is om uit te help, sy sal seker eers vanaand weer tuis wees :!:

Weereens dankie :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by fire »

Dit was ons plesier, onthou net dat Jaen (hulle het gese dat hulle klaar genoeg skengkings vir vandag gehad het, so hy het nie geskenk nie.) en my vrou nog kan skenk.

Hy se julle moet net skree.

Ons bid vir julle.
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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by legend35 »

Mark,ons dink aan julle en ons gebede is met Roneil.Julle moet moed hou.
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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by legend35 »

Het nou uitgevind dat my bloedgroep O+ is,so laat weet as ek kan help.Ek is net n oproep weg.
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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by ChrisF »

OOOMS en OOODS voorspoed vir julle !

Ons dink aan julle in die tyd.
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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)


hi sorry to hear about your delema. I think Nikkie is O positive. Waiting for him to come back from town and then we will set the ball on the roll. Will phone my parents to. The only problem is Nikkie uses Insulin and Glucophage and I don't think you are allowed to donate then. Will phone you just know. Hang in there.
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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by HennieJ2 »

Mark / Danelle,

Short of not knowing what say - my sincere sympathy. Please hang in there - even for us who are not always on par with the believes or what should be our believes.

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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by Mud Dog »

Another day closer to recovery! :thumbup:
When your road comes to an end ...... you need a HILUX!.


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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by 0000DS »

Thank you to everyone that has phoned, donated blood, posted and has been praying.
Roneil was stable tonigh when we left the hospital......although very critical.
Atleast his blood count has risen to 6.4 from 5.2 this morning.
We are all taking it day by day...literally.
I am now co-ordinating the blood donations for Roneil. So please send me your phone number and I will contact you when blood is required.
Also advise me, if you would be available at very short notice
Please DO NOT go and donate blood, unless I have contacted you with a date and time.
The blood banks are turning away people, as they need a letter from the Dr, (which I have). If we had not made an appointment with them on your behalf, they will not accept your blood.
Thank you very much for all the well wishes and may God bless you all.
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Re: Blood needed URGENTLY!! O+ (O positive)

Post by Mud Dog »

viewtopic.php?f=146&t=16921" onclick=";return false;
When your road comes to an end ...... you need a HILUX!.


Life is like a jar of Jalapeño peppers ... what you do today, might burn your ass tomorrow.
Don't take life too seriously ..... no-one gets out alive.
It's not about waiting for storms to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.
And be yourself ..... everyone else is taken!

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