Some thoughts for 2014

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Some thoughts for 2014

Post by GI Jane »

So we are 2 weeks into the new year, and sure a number of us made some resolutions for the new year, and we may even have broken a few of them already...... Just thought I'd add these thoughts from a book I'm reading by Robin Sharma,

The 10 Human Regrets

You reach your last day……..

1. With the brilliant song that your life was meant to sing still silent within you;

2. Without ever having experienced the natural power that inhabits you to do great work and achieve great things;

3. Realizing that you never inspired anyone else by the example that you set;

4. Full of pain at the realization that you never took any bold risks and so you never received any bright rewards;

5. Understanding that you missed the opportunity to catch a glimpse of mastery because you bought into the lie that you had to be resigned to mediocrity;

6. And feel heartbroken that you never learned the skill of transforming adversity into victory and lead into gold;

7. Regretting that you forgot that work is about being radically helpful to others rather than being helpful only to yourself;

8. With the awareness that you ended up living the life that society trained you to want versus leading the life you truly wanted to have;

9. And awaken to the fact that you never realized your absolute best nor touched the special genius that you were built to become;

10. And discover you could have been a leader and left this world so much better than you found it. But you refused to accept that mission because you were just too scared.

extracts from The Leader Who Had No Title by Robin Sharma
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Re: Some thoughts for 2014

Post by GI Jane »

On the other hand.......

The 10 Human Victories

You reach your last day……..

1. Full of happiness and fulfillment on realizing that you are all used up – having spent the fullness of your talents, the biggest of your resources, and the best of your potential doing great work and leading a rare-air life;

2. Knowing that you played at a standard of concentrated excellence and held yourself to the most impeccable of standards in each thing that you did;

3. In noisy celebration for having the boldness of spirit to have regularly confronted your largest fears and realized your highest visions;

4. And recognize that you became a person who built people up versus one who tore people down;

5. With the understanding that while your journey may have not always been a smooth one, whenever you got knocked down you instantly got back up – and at all times, never suffered from any loss of optimism;

6. And bask in the staggering glory of your phenomenal achievements along with the rich value you have contributed to the lives of the people you were lucky to serve;

7. And adore the strong, ethical, inspirational, and empathic person you grew into;

8. And realize that you were a genuine innovator who blazed new trails instead of following old roads;

9. Surrounded by teammates who call you a rock star, customers who say you’re a hero, and loved ones who call you a legend;

10. As a true Leader without a Title, knowing that the great deeds you did will endure long after your death and that your life stands as a model of possibility.

Robin Sharma, The Leader Who Had No Title...

Makes you think does'nt it :?:
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Re: Some thoughts for 2014

Post by Haboob »

Very good Val :clap: :clap: :clap:
HABOOB means "Dust Storm"
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Re: Some thoughts for 2014

Post by 4x4BEES »

:subscribed: :subscribed:

Makes one think
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Re: Some thoughts for 2014

Post by GI Jane »

"When you form the habit of searching for the positive in every circumstance, your life will move into its highest dimensions......All success in life starts with the thoughts that you put into your mind every second of every minute of every day. Your outer world reflects the state of your inner world. By controlling the thoughts that you think and the way you respond to the events of your life, you begin to control your destiny." extract from The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, by Robin Sharma.
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Re: Some thoughts for 2014

Post by GI Jane »

Saw this just the other day......

‘She Let Go’ a Poem by Rev. Safire Rose

“She let go. Without a thought or a word, she let go.
She let go of the fear.
She let go of the judgments.
She let go of the confluence of opinions swarming around her head.
She let go of the committee of indecision within her.
She let go of all the ‘right’ reasons.
Wholly and completely, without hesitation or worry, she just let go.
She didn’t ask anyone for advice.
She didn’t read a book on how to let go.
She didn’t search the scriptures.
She just let go.
She let go of all of the memories that held her back.
She let go of all of the anxiety that kept her from moving forward.
She let go of the planning and all of the calculations about how to do
it just right.
She didn’t promise to let go.
She didn’t journal about it.
She didn’t write the projected date in her Day-Timer.
She made no public announcement and put no ad in the paper.
She didn’t check the weather report or read her daily horoscope.
She just let go.
She didn’t analyze whether she should let go.
She didn’t call her friends to discuss the matter.
She didn’t do a five-step Spiritual Mind Treatment.
She didn’t call the prayer line.
She didn’t utter one word.
She just let go.
No one was around when it happened.
There was no applause or congratulations.
No one thanked her or praised her.
No one noticed a thing.
Like a leaf falling from a tree, she just let go.
There was no effort.
There was no struggle.
It wasn’t good and it wasn’t bad.
It was what it was, and it is just that.
In the space of letting go, she let it all be.
A small smile came over her face.
A light breeze blew through her. And the sun and the moon shone
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Re: Some thoughts for 2014

Post by Mud Dog »

Good one Val! Yup, I know some folk that just won't let go, they hang on to every negative aspect if their lives, bitter and twisted because of it. The baggage of the past is an unnecessary burden.
When your road comes to an end ...... you need a HILUX!.


Life is like a jar of Jalapeño peppers ... what you do today, might burn your ass tomorrow.
Don't take life too seriously ..... no-one gets out alive.
It's not about waiting for storms to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.
And be yourself ..... everyone else is taken!
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Re: Some thoughts for 2014

Post by GI Jane »

What if, before you got out of bed and began your day, you took the time to ask yourself one simple question? “What is the greatest ideal of myself that I can be today?” If you were patient enough to wait for an answer, you would begin to think differently than if you just woke up and remembered yourself as the same person from the day before. In other words, if you waken in the morning, get out of bed on the same side, turn off your alarm clock the same way, use the toilet as always, look in the mirror to remember who you are, wash yourself in the shower the same way as the day before, groom yourself and dress yourself to look like everyone expects to see you, eat the same food for breakfast, drive to work as usual, see the same people at work that push the same emotional buttons and do the same memorized things that you know how to do so well, we could say that your mind and your brain would remain virtually unchanged.

A common principle in neuroscience says that “nerve cells that fire together, wire together.” Therefore, if you repeatedly think and act in identical ways on a daily basis, your brain will become molded into a specific hardwired pattern that will support the same level of mind. It’s ironic. Most people routinely think the same thoughts, perform the same actions, and secretly expect something different to show up in their lives.

If however, you were to sincerely think about a greater ideal of yourself before you started your day, you would begin to make your brain fire in new sequences, patterns, and combinations. And whenever you make your brain work differently, you just changed your mind. The working definition of mind, according to neuroscience, is the brain in action or the brain at work. You created a new mind than if you just continued on business as usual.

As you sharpen your abilities to observe some desired destiny from a new ideal of yourself instead of from the same old self, your life should reorganize itself in new and unusual ways. Why? Because the former personality, which is made up of how you typically think, act, and feel, created the reality you presently are living. But the new ideal has the ability to create a new life.

And lastly, if you committed to not arising to face the day until you actually felt like that new ideal, you would also be conditioning the body to finally work together with your new mind. Actually, your thoughts condition your mind and your feelings condition your body. And when you have mind and body working together, you have the power of the universe behind you. When you walk through your life that day, maintaining this modified state, something should be different in your world as a result of your effort. No one is excluded from this phenomenon.

(Extracts from) Creating the Greatest Ideal of Yourself
By Dr Joe Dispenza
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Re: Some thoughts for 2014

Post by GI Jane »

The Cookie Thief
by Valerie Cox

A woman was waiting at an airport one night,
With several long hours before her flight.
She hunted for a book in the airport shops.
Bought a bag of cookies and found a place to drop.

She was engrossed in her book but happened to see,
That the man sitting beside her, as bold as could be.
Grabbed a cookie or two from the bag in between,
Which she tried to ignore to avoid a scene.

So she munched the cookies and watched the clock,
As the gutsy cookie thief diminished her stock.
She was getting more irritated as the minutes ticked by,
Thinking, “If I wasn’t so nice, I would blacken his eye.”

With each cookie she took, he took one too,
When only one was left, she wondered what he would do.
With a smile on his face, and a nervous laugh,
He took the last cookie and broke it in half.

He offered her half, as he ate the other,
She snatched it from him and thought… oooh, brother.
This guy has some nerve and he’s also rude,
Why he didn’t even show any gratitude!

She had never known when she had been so galled,
And sighed with relief when her flight was called.
She gathered her belongings and headed to the gate,
Refusing to look back at the thieving ingrate.

She boarded the plane, and sank in her seat,
Then she sought her book, which was almost complete.

As she reached in her baggage, she gasped with surprise,
There was her bag of cookies, in front of her eyes.

If mine are here, she moaned in despair,
The others were his, and he tried to share.
Too late to apologize, she realized with grief,
That she was the rude one, the ingrate, the thief
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