"The Road to Hell" & back is paved with boulders; 2 reports

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"The Road to Hell" & back is paved with boulders; 2 reports

Post by Traveler »

“Waarom is ek verslaaf aan adrenalien? Waarom nie iets veiliger soos Tik nie?”, Cobus stares down The Valley of Ten Thousand Dancing Demons with a grimace on his usual smiling face. With a Hilux like Kaspaas he is worried? Then what should I be?
But let me get back to where this ordeal started, and why we find ourselves pumping adrenaline by the bucket load.
Some years ago there was a trip report on the LCCSA Forum that cemented “The Road to Hell” as a must do when you need to scare yourself. A day trip for Land Cruisers from the LCCSA turned into a nightmare of continuous recoveries for 2 days when an ill prepared group of people dissented into this valley on a road that was built by miners not ever intended to be used on a daily basis; but only to be used as an emergency escape route when the Orange River would flood their normal road. Now what could be more enticing than to drive down, and up a road that was not intended as a road? Then this infamous pass featured in an article published by WegRy magazine, and the legend just grew even more. It is a road that demands respect, you find yourself far from civilization and support, and in the case when things go wrong, they will go wrong in the worst possible way in the worst possible location with help only possible from one direction and will take time to reach you.
About a year ago Cobus in Kanoneiland started a thread on our Hilux4x4 Forum that he feels compelled to visit this legendary vehicle breaker of a pass, scare himself properly and also conqueror it completely. Very quickly we had a group of foolhardy enthusiasts sticking up their hands to feature on the list and it was full; now we waited for 9 August 2012 to arrive.
Our list of adventurers for this epic was:
Our experienced and traveled guide Piet who was on the nightmare with the LCCSA group, Piet would be Co-driver with Ali in his red SFA with their sons. These 2 were the only that had been down this road; Piet was the guide when the LCCSA team recovered the stranded group from this valley.
Johannes van die See (our own fishmonger) driving his intimidating 2.7 IFS, his Co-driver would be Pieter Petoors and Johannes’s son JJ (bringing loads of snoek and bokkoms). His Hilux is probably the most kitted 2.7i IFS that you will encounter in South Africa.
Then our fearless “Souties” Steve with his “self-built” SFA 3.4L V6 and his Co-driver Bretton the snoring Engelsman. You need to see this conversion to believe it. Steve did the work himself in 2 weeks, and features plenty other extras he built himself. Bretton (Mr. B) was one of our photographers on the trip.
Lehan with his blue petrol SFA one of the “local boys”, if you need large rocks moved you call Lehan for the job, he is as strong as a bear. Riding with Lehan was his friend from Technikon Pierre. When you show Pierre a piece of water he is going to end up casting a line and a fly into it.
Then there was the odd vehicle out, my Nissan Patrol all the way from Gauteng, my Co-Driver being Mark. We might have been the odd one out, but we were consummately comfortable with loads of space; this space was to cause problems once on the RTH.
Then the only single cab IFS in the convoy piloted by Viljee from Kenhardt steering his tan coloured diesel loaded with the tenderest “skaaptjoppies” you have ever tasted. Viljee is a farmer, and he is at all times as cool as the water in the Orange River during the winter.
Our rear sweeper was our initiator Cobus piloting the now famous Kaspaas and his Co-Driver Clinton all the way from the Cape and plenty stories to share about driving a Corsa into deep holes. These 2 longtime friends should consider taking their jokes on the comedy circuit.
During the course of three months there were literally hundreds of e-mails in the planning and organizing phase. By the time the date for departure arrived everything had been thoroughly planned and discussed in finite detail, real pedantic stuff. We were going to be as prepared as possible.
On a super cold Wednesday morning Mark and I wove our way through Gauteng traffic with a rather heavily loaded but very comfortable Patrol. We passed Lichtenburg, Vryburg and Kuruman shopping as we went along collecting whatever it was that might have left at home (particularly meat in Vryburg); eventually arriving at Kanoneiland well after 8pm to a very hearty welcome by Cobus, Lehan and their families. Cobus has a “kuiergat” at his home which invites you to taste some of the great wines produced in the area. Wednesday night Mark and I slept like babies, but Cobus packed and repacked; much too excited to sleep.
Thursday morning we set of from Kanoneiland following Cobus and we met up with Lehan in Keimoes; Viljee we met in Kakamas. We travelled in convoy to meet up with a waiting Clinton and Pierre in Pofadder, we took so long to get there Clinton and Pierre almost walked to Rahmansdrift; our first camping night. At the Total in Pofadder we deflated the tyres, and filled the last tanks before setting out on the dirt road and trails that lay ahead.
Next stop would be on the road so that we could enjoy the padkos that Lehan’s wife had prepared for us. We made this stop at the plenty lovely Kokerboom on the Klein Pella road. The frikadelle and jaffels was first rate, and filled quite a few holes in our tummies.
With full tummies we set of towards Goodhouse and eventually turned onto the track that would lead us to Rahmansdrift. Not having Tracks4Africa loaded onto my Nuvi500 this track eventually took us down into the deepest powder dust you could imagine and a completely wrong track as well; the famed fesh fesh from the Sahara desert would have been put to shame by the stuff we ended up in. While driving down this dusty riverbed of the Orange River I took a wrong turn where there was not turn and ended up stranding the Patrol in a ditch about 3m deep. After some struggling Cobus and Kaspaas his Hilux saved my bacon. Just to drive the point home, Cobus proceeded to pilot Kaspaas through this mess just moments later; there is pictures and video footage a plenty to prove my folly.
We found ourselves 1.1km from Rahmansdrift, but there was no way through. To reach our friends from Cape Town at Rahmansdrift we had to back track 9km’s to reach the lovely green grass at our overnight stop.
At Rahmansdrift Johannes packed a 2kg smoked snoek on my table between me and Mark, this was a super fresh smoked snoek, and in fact I think it was so fresh that I might have seen it move. A mistake in positioning he will not make again….. Mark and I nearly finished the whole snoek, Johannes referred to Gauteng style. After the snoek, Johannes gave bokkom eating lessons to an eager “classroom”; Bretton enjoyed his bokkoms so much he ignored a huge bite from a baber on his line. After all the fish eating the fisherman tried to focus again and coax some of the monster barber from the Orange River; and someone tried to scare them out the river with flaming hot spotlights on his 2.7; shame I think there is still a couple fish left with arc eyes.
After dark we had a snoek or two toasted over the coals, as well as some proper red meat for the non-vegetarians. After meals we were entertained by stories and plenty of laughter, in fact so much laughter it bordered on torture.
Friday morning dawned with lovely blue skies and hardly a wind to speak of. After a good and solid breakfast we headed of on a lovely scenic trip following Piet and Ali, stopping of at interesting points we listened as Piet shared his great knowledge of the area, plants and its people; it really made a wonderful addition to the morning and added huge amount of value to the drive. All the while there was plenty of friendly banter and joking over the radios, these discussions did not decrease as we got closer to the entrance to the pass we intended to conquer. Every time we stopped you could see more anticipation and excitement as we came closer to our destination and challenge for the day.
All too suddenly we had reached our intended destination and the reason why we had all put in leave for the day; we were at the Road to Hell. We lined up the vehicles and people in the little space available and took at least one obligatory picture with everybody still smiling.
After the smiles it was time to put on our game faces for the decent. Laughter started to turn into nervous giggles and then turned into complete silence.
I soon realized this was not going to be the typical kind of track you might face, it was narrow rocky, and we already had to move a mountain with the help of Lehan, Viljee and Pierre to get the Patrol to this point as it is much wider than any of the Hilux’s. Our challenge was clearly going to be to negotiate our vehicles over and around the rocks that constitutes this road while not slipping over the crumbling edge onto the valley floor way down below. I could see my fellow travelers where looking as focused as I was feeling. And just to make sure I stayed focus there was the constant gnashing and scrapping against the bash plates and rock sliders. With regular intervals I questioned my rational for tackling this epic.
Eventually after an hour and a half of dead quiet on the radios we reached our campsite. This site being the total opposite of Rhamansdrifts; a spot of open sand and gravel about 500m from the Orange River, no grass and you have to stumble your way to the river over boulders. We had reached the bottom, but we had also seen and experienced what had to be overcome tomorrow; getting out is the big challenge of this road. For now we could appreciate the surroundings, the company and a slight feeling of accomplishment.
Everybody went for a swim/bath in a freezing cold Orange River to wash of the dust and the fright of the trip down the valley; a very long 4.4km fright. While lazing around for the afternoon we heard the drone of a diesel engine and to our surprise here we see a double cab Cruiser sauntering along on its own with a husband and wife team. They are from the North Cape and have always wondered what this pass was all about. The next day on our way out they would confess that they realized it was a bad idea about 150m into the pass but it was already too late to turn around as turn around on this pass is impossible. They decided to not camp with us, and retreated some distance up the riverbed for a more private evening. For supper Cobus and Clinton roasted A+ grade lamb over some vineyard coals; I made us beer bread, Johannes made some pap and sauce. A lekker meal with lekker company.
After lunch the day caught up with me and I could not stay awake much longer and headed for my tent, but you could hear laughter well into the night. I wonder if they were trying to laugh their way out the valley.
Saturday morning broke to howling winds, and overcast skies threatening with rain we were faced with a cold front. We all knew the die was cast, and packed in fast forward, we had to get out. A joint decision was taken to only enjoy breakfast once we reached an old mica mine outside the pass and valley we did not want to be wrestling rocks while raining.
Tyres were deflated a bit more, and we set of with purpose. Again the gnashing, scraping and bumping started. I was well aware of the width of my vehicle and time and again in the riverbed needed to take a different line to Lehan’s Hilux in front of me. At the first ascent we found the couple and their Cruiser, they decided to fall in behind our convoy (in hindsight a wise call). We bumped and shook our way up the spine road slowly but surely leaving the valley floor below us. And as we got higher up the road, the conversations over the radio became less as everybody was focused on the task at hand. In some places you could barely get out the vehicle or open the door on the cliff face side such a narrow ledge did we find ourselves on. Where possible Pieter and Bretton jumped out and took plenty of pictures and video. After about an hour or so of focused driving we came to the much anticipated rock step, and the spot where plenty road building was on our menu.
With his vast experience Piet coordinated our combined building effort and everybody jumped in and packed rocked and filled the spaces in between with gravel and small rocks. This road needed to be very well planned before Johannes could lead us up and over this obstacle where line and traction was going to be critical. No space for any error, 1ft to the left or right would be monumentally damaging to vehicle and likely occupants.
Johannes was the first to test our construction, and with a dramatic looking hop he made it onto and over the step, being an independent front suspension vehicle it was not possible to keep al 4 wheels on the rocks at all times and the Hilux lifted a left front wheel very dramatically. The look on Pieter’s face described it like no spoken or written words will ever be able to do. Next Ali with his solid front axle Hilux without locking differential, he drove a perfect line, and got to the top with little effort without scaring anybody too much. After some repairs to the road it was Steve’s turn, also with solid axles, but with locking differentials. As he started the V6 the growl of the engine made it started to rain, yes, RAIN; not just drops, proper plenty rain. Within moments the rocks were super slippery and drenched. Steve followed the line indicated, but in an instant his Hilux was precariously perched over the edge of the cliff, it had slipped with the 2 right wheels over the ledge. He reacted with experience, and was off the accelerator in an instant. It was immediately clear that any attempt to correct his line would deliver his Hilux with him inside to the bottom of the valley floor. We needed an anchor to use the winch on Steve’s vehicle, our only option was to have Ali bring his Hilux closer and he was asked to reverse down the road….. Yes, reverse down the road which scared us all the day before. He did it like a pro and we anchored for a recovery using a snatch block. As the 12,000lbs winch started turning it became evident our plan was not working as we had intended, we needed more anchorage. So the next lucky person to reverse into position for a double anchor was Johannes. After some time we had 2 Hilux’s as anchors, and the winching started over. Again, it did not work as planned but at least the anchors held, the undercarriage was stuck on the step. So the next move was winch, give slack and then pack rocks, winch, give slack, pack rocks so that we could literally lift the vehicle over the hump it was stranded on by packing loads of rocks under the wheels, even the couple in the Landcruiser put in a hand. After a huge team effort and much cheering the recovery was completed.
We had to completely rebuild our road after this harrowing moment. Next in line was lucky Lehan, he rose to the occasion and drove a perfect line, and with virtually no wheel spin he got over the step.
Now my turn. Mark decided he was going to either fail or overcome with me (thanks Mark). We got in, and drove up to the starting position. Pieter showed me the line, warning me I had little room for error and away we went. We made it….. I even kissed the steering wheel.
As I got out, I saw Viljee overcome the same obstacle as if he was looking for parking at the local co-op, no drama and as cool as a cucumber. Last in our group it was Cobus, he also drove a perfect line, and got to the top in the blink of an eye and beaming with pride. Then the Landcruiser couple who had built the road with us got their turn to tackle the step. Halfway into the obstacle it was wheelspin and rocks flying; they had not deflated tyres…. Again in a team effort the tyres where deflated in moments, with tyres at the correct pressure the Landcruiser floated up the step and left our road intact behind it. Everybody was through and no vehicles had been broken.
The rest of the road was driven without incident, and relatively boringly compared to what had just happened.
At the top of the pass we each had the opportunity to pose for a picture, and bask in the glory of what we had just all overcome as a team and as individuals.
We took a last look down the valley, and then headed to have that promised breakfast feeling completely famished. At the old mine we chatted and enjoyed our deserved breakfast, but hardly any words were shared about the experience at the step and the road out the valley. I believe we were each still trying to process what we have just experienced and achieved.
As we were packing away the cutlery and gas braaiers the rain started coming down again, and this time so with much more intent than earlier, thank goodness we were out of that trail. It was as if nature was washing away our presence from this desolate valley.
The rest of the group had decided to camp the evening at the Kamgab river mouth, but because of distance to Gauteng, Mark and I was to leave them and camp at Klein Pella. This would save us at least 3 hours on the way home.
We still followed the group until our roads would split after crossing the Kamgab.
Mark and I headed via Goodhouse and past Rahmansdrift back to Klein Pella, in the background we heard jokes over the radio after saying our farewells for quite some time still, everybody was in high spirits.
We headed of into the driving rain, and at 15h30 arrived at a cold and wet Klein Pella with howling winds. To get out the weather we took a drive through the farming operations and Mark guided me towards Pella on the Namaqua 4x4 trail which turned into another absolutely breathtaking scenic drive. Reaching Pella we still had some adventure left in us, and drove Charles’s Pass which offered amazing photographic opportunity.
Reaching Klein Pella at 19h00 we decided to rather pack and outrun the cold front for Gauteng.
Quickly we packed and arrived at a freezing Pofadder for a supper of pies and burgers. After our meal we tackled the road home, leaving behind us one of the most hauntingly beautiful parts of our country.

Driving this pass was an experience to cherish forever, and I will always say thanks to the team of men that took the time to share the adventure. We achieved our goals with nearly no damage to any of the participating machines.
Is Road to Hell the most difficult road you can take? No, it is not the most difficult road you can find in South Africa. But it most probably is the most treacherous road you will find so far removed from civilization. It is not a road to tackle on your own, and not without proper preparation.
Last edited by Traveler on Mon Aug 20, 2012 6:55 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by OOOOMS »

Excellent report tx Mr H :thumbup:

I will not forget the look on your face, moments before the climb :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:
Roa to hell 2012 176 (Medium).JPG
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Roa to hell 2012 352 (Medium).JPG
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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by george »

Geluk manne :applaud: :applaud: :applaud:
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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by zepplin »

Thanks for the magic report Heinrich - just reading about it has the hairs on my head stand on end all over again. I cannot begin to describe the feeling I experienced as the Lux slipped towards that edge. 'Character building' se m%#r, more like 'sphincter gymnastics'!!!!

To Heinrich, Mark, Cobus, Clinton, Lehan, Pierre, Viljee, Ali, Piet, Johannes, Bretton, Pieter, now that the adrenalin has worn off can I please once again convey my huge thanks to ALL of you for your efforts at the step! :applaud: :applaud: :applaud:

In retrospect, perhaps rock music was not the best genre to choose for that road. :shock2:
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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by Bugzy »

Congrats - I take my hat off to you all!! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
I will definitely like to go with next year
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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by JohanM »

Awesome report Heinrich!!!! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: Just by reading it I can see how the weekend was a fantastic success!!! I will have to join the next one with my ( by then newly completed SFA). Looks like you all had a lot of fun and also enjoyed the challenge and the beautiful scenery.

I will be there on the next one.

Awesome pictures taken by the photographers of the trip. Well done guys!!! :thumbup: :thumbup:
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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by CasKru »

Smaak my dit was vrek maklik want Heinrich doen dit sommer met sy oe toe... hehe

Mooi stukkie skryfwerk daar Heinrich
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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by ThysdJ »

Sounds like you guys had a super outing, and I am green with envy. Pity I couldnt make it as well. :oops:

We do need all the pics you can post guys!! :clap: :clap: :clap:
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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by Kaspaas »

Puik skryfwerk Heinrich! :thumbup:

Noudat ek terug dink aan die oppak onder in die RTH, onthou ek niemand het amper 'n woord gesê nie. Almal het geweet wat vir ons voorlê.

Met Oom Steve se recovery, onthou ek net hoe hy "rustig" in die bakkie gesit het, maar die winch remote in sy hand het gewys hy bewe. Dit was rof, ons almal het ons insette gelewer en die beste kombinasie van oplossings is gebruik, om die gevaarlikste recovery te doen waarvan ek al deel was.

Ekt nog so terug gekyk waar Lehan onder gestaan het by sy Hilux en senuagtig heen en weer loop en met homself praat, (Iets in die lyn van), "My vrou en kinders" Dis dan wanneer jy 'n knop in jou keel kry en besef, hier sit 'n voertuig in 'n lewensgevaarlike situasie, en jy moet nog ook hier verby!!!

Nee kyk, dit was ongelooflik!
Die belangrikste geheim van RTH om te onthou, is dat dit 'n SPAN roete is.

Weereens dankie aan almal, ONS het dit GEDOEN! :celebrate:
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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by Racing snake »

Nothing I can say will convey the respect I have for you guys. Well done, you've made the Hilux club members proud. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by zepplin »

Cobus, jy sal nou die interweb moet slaan en vir ons nog n lekker roete opsoek vir volgende jaar. Ek is in!!!!! Bobbejaans meskien?????
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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by Sebata »

just by reading you can just picture it, well put MR.H :thumbup:
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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by Kaspaas »

zepplin wrote:Cobus, jy sal nou die interweb moet slaan en vir ons nog n lekker roete opsoek vir volgende jaar. Ek is in!!!!! Bobbejaans meskien?????


Het ek al gesê dat Bobejaanspas my Kilimanjaro is! :mrgreen:

Mount Everest is nou done and dusted!

Steve, "For you I Kill'e The Bull" any time!!! :twisted:
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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by Traveler »

Thanks guys, enjoyed writing this one. Enjoyed driving it more.

I am still considering that combo where we do all the trips in the Eastern Freestate over three days.

They are monsters as well. Then we will be warmed up for Baboons on day 4.

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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by zepplin »

Have you dates in mind or is it still too early in the planning stage?
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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by Traveler »

zepplin wrote:Have you dates in mind or is it still too early in the planning stage?
Do we want to throw in the possibility of a Free State Thunderstorm? :think:

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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by Legolas »

Heinrich baie dankie vir hierdie great report!!! Ek moet se toe ek die pad terug kaap toe so half alleen aangepak het (Pierre het 'n lekker slaap in gepak) kon ek myself net nie keer om al die gebeure en stories van die naweek weer oor te geleef het in my kop. En met die lees van jou report nou was ek weereens daar in die Namakwa wereld!!!

Almal het nou al dit seker gese maar van my kant af ook net baie dankie vir al die manne wat die naweek 'n great sukses gemaak het. Dit is altyd lekker om die mense te ontmoet waarmee jy al gesels het op die forum.

My kop loop omtrent oor van al die dinge wat ek met Spoor wil aanvang en dalk net dalk join ek julle in die Vrystaat nie as Co-Pilot maar as bestuurder!!!! :thumbup:
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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by Alibaba »

Thanks for the excellent report Heinrich. I hope I can do as well for WR! :thumbup: :thumbup:

Here's some pics of the recovery, which was handled in a most professional manner.
IMG_0156.JPG (66.77 KiB) Viewed 11210 times
IMG_0142.JPG (77.11 KiB) Viewed 11210 times
IMG_0137.JPG (78.46 KiB) Viewed 11210 times
IMG_0134.JPG (70.7 KiB) Viewed 11210 times

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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by zepplin »

Traveler wrote:Do we want to throw in the possibility of a Free State Thunderstorm? :think:
Sure, why not? I'm on the lookout for Rock Terrain tyres. Those Muds don't do so lekker there. :tongue:
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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders


Dankie Heinrich vir daai report!!!!

Net om dit weer te lees en na die fotos te kyk kry ek weer hoendervleis. Cobus ek stem saam. Wat die trip vir my gemaak het is die mense, dit was n fees!!!!

Julle kan maar net die tyd en plek sê ek kom saam!!!

Weereens baie dankie vir almal!!
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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by pietpetoors »

Thanx for the excellent report Heinrich. Mr B, have you posted that video of Johannes van die see yet?
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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by Traveler »

Dankie weereens ouens.
Ek het werklik geniet om die report te skryf en weer als te herleef.

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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by Johannes van die See »

Lekker report Heinrich, :thumbup:

Dankie weereens aan almal wat dit n lekker naweek gemaak het, dis jammer julle kon my en Pieter nie join op die weskus roete nie, dit was net so mooi en lekker.
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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by Traveler »

CasKru wrote:Smaak my dit was vrek maklik want Heinrich doen dit sommer met sy oe toe... hehe
Dis hoe ons rol ja. :tongue:

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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by Family_Dog »

Excellent report, Heinrich! One can almost imagine being right there with you guys. :)


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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by CasKru »

Traveler wrote:
CasKru wrote:Smaak my dit was vrek maklik want Heinrich doen dit sommer met sy oe toe... hehe
Dis hoe ons rol ja. :tongue:
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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by pietpetoors »

Here are some pictures. I have very sad news, that group picture I took on our way home was over exposed. The camera was still set on the previous night's fire photo setting.
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Johannes en JJ
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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by Buddie »

Well done guys,hope to join you on the next one?
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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by The Legend »

Baie geluk manne.Dit wil gedoen wees!! :thumbup: :thumbup:

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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by CasKru »

Dankie vir die pics Pieter
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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by Traveler »

Lieflike fotos daarso Pieter. :mrgreen:

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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by Kaspaas »

Great Foto's Pieter! :thumbup:
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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by Legolas »

Well done Pieter!!! Dit is nogal jammer dat daai groep foto van ons over exposed is. Ek dink dit sou n stunning foto gewees het.
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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by pietpetoors »

For those who wants to read about the bikes, the post is here:
http://www.wilddog.za.net/forum/index.p ... c=104029.0" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Only Dead Fish Go With The Flow!
1999 Hilux 2.7i 4x4 Raider DC with 3.4 Prado V6. Rear diff-lock, Bull Bar and rock sliders, 31" Cooper ST Maxx, Snorkel, Alu-Canopy, VHF Motorolla radio, West Coast Rust, Mikem Suspension, Ball Joint Spacers in front and Mikem extended shackles at the rear, 25watt LED Spots
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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by Mr_B »

Hi Pieter, I take it you referring to the one of us standing in front of the bakkies??

This is the one I took at the top of RTH...


For those that maybe missed it, I posted a photographic(and video) essay in the original thread...

viewtopic.php?f=55&t=25028&start=330" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by Niel »

Johan, wat het van jou spots geword op die 1 pic is daar net 1 en die volgende pic is hy ook weg :?:
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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by Mr_B »

Hehe... Niel... the vibration was so intense that it caused metal fatigue and the weld broke. Johannes had to bend the mounting points down to accomodate the light housing height...
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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by Traveler »

Some more reading on the topic.

http://www.driveout.co.za/destinations/ ... lmost-isnt" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

http://www.overland.co.za/travel_report ... _Hell.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by OOOOMS »

Patrol wat diesel neem waar hy vasgesit het...... :o: Swaar daai lorrie hoor!!! Jammer Heinrich dat ek jou in die versoeking verly het :mocking: :mocking: :mocking:
Roa to hell 2012 091 (Medium).JPG
(89.59 KiB) Downloaded 632 times
Die foto gee jou 'n beter idee van die walletjie waar die Patrol moes van gerecover word......deur 'n Hilux :D:
Roa to hell 2012 097 (Medium).JPG
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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by Ali3n »

All I can say is well done guys. It sounds like it was an amazing tri and the photos just prove it. An excelent report. One day when I grow up I would like to be a part of something as amazing as this with the HILUX CLUB.

Congradulations to all!!! :clap:
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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by andrevt »

pragtige trip report heinrich, en yip dit is nou soos n OUPA offroad trip, dit is
voorwaar n vooreg om so n trip met ander te kan deel, wat droom om so iets te kan doen, lekker en nogmaals lekker :yahoo:

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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by Traveler »

Ag Mark, dit is ok. Jy het my nie gedwing nie.

Net uitgelok :blushing: :blushing:

Yip, Repulse is BAIE swaar.

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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by OOOOMS »

Traveler wrote:Ag Mark, dit is ok. Jy het my nie gedwing nie.

Net uitgelok :blushing: :blushing:

Yip, Repulse is BAIE swaar.
Ek's bly jy het my hand-signals goed verstaan :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by Traveler »

Some of my pics.
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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by Traveler »

And some more.
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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by Traveler »

And more
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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by Traveler »

And some more.
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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by CasKru »

Ek like
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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by Traveler »

These on the way Friday morning.
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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by Traveler »

And they keep coming.
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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by Traveler »

Now we arrive at the ultimate goal.

You can see Mark is trying to decide if he should be passenger or rather walk. :laugh2:
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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by Traveler »

Into the valley

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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by andrevt »

dis nou baie mooi

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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by Traveler »

And out the valley again.
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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by Traveler »

And some more "Out" pictures.
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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by Traveler »

And of course there is always time for a celebratory brekkie. :celebrate:
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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by Traveler »

And then Mark and I travelled alone further.
On route to Klein Pella, past Goodhouse
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A little bit of Karsten Boerdery at Klein Pella.
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These old cars lie just outside Klein Pella.
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The 2 track path between Pella and Klein Pella. Breathtaking scenery.
(192.65 KiB) Downloaded 596 times
No guess needed where that was taken.
No guess needed where that was taken.
On route to Charles's Pass
On route to Charles's Pass
On route to Charles's Pass
On route to Charles's Pass

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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by Traveler »

These all while driving Charles's Pass.
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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by Traveler »

On Saturday evening we stopped in Pofadder. Be warned, only the Shell garage has a compressor to pump tyres, so you have to call during "office hours".

The Total is open all hours, and the restuarant offers meals 24hrs a day. So you can fill tanks (vehicle and driver), but for tyres you need your own compressor.

PS. It was freaking cold.

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Re: "The Road to Hell" and back is paved with boulders

Post by OOOOMS »

Pics van die groep:

Ali - WegRy aka "Alibaba"
Roa to hell 2012 282 (Medium).JPG
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Piet - Sprinbok, tour guide and advisor
Roa to hell 2012 276 (Medium).JPG
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Steve aka "Zepplin"
Roa to hell 2012 275 (Medium).JPG
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Bretton aka "Mr B" camera man
Roa to hell 2012 166 (Medium).JPG
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Clinton aka "Legolas" and Cobus aka "Kaspaas"
Roa to hell 2012 230 (Medium).JPG
(114.76 KiB) Downloaded 592 times
Heinrich aka "Traveler"
Roa to hell 2012 270 (Medium).JPG
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Lehan aka "Klahari Seun"
Roa to hell 2012 271 (Medium).JPG
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Viljee aka "Viljee"
Roa to hell 2012 274 (Medium).JPG
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Johannes aka "Johannes van die See" en Pieter aka "Pietpetoors"
Roa to hell 2012 143 (Medium).JPG
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Roa to hell 2012 280 (Medium).JPG
(85.13 KiB) Downloaded 592 times
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