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Info needed:December 2013 plan travelling via KTP to Ghanzi

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 9:39 pm
by Witlorrie
Info needed:December 2013 plan travelling via Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park to Ghanzi
We are planning to travel to the Okovango Delta during December 2013. The route we want to follow is: Entering the KTP at Twee-Rivieren and exit it at Kaa Gate.
1. The trip from Nossob camp to Kaa gate, is it possible doing it towing a 4X4 caravan - amount of fuel needed? Is it possible to travel from Nossob camp to Kaa gate in one day? Time?
2. Travelling from Kaa gate direction Zutshwa, any bushcamp possibilities and fuel needed?
3. What about driving along the cutline from Kaa gate towards Ghanzi? Taking in consideration that supplies must be stocked up, time, amount of fuel needed and condition of the cutline, or rather travelling via Lehututu towards Ghanzi. Taking in consideration time, as well as fuel consumption and stocking up.
4. From Ghanzi, what is the easiest and most scenic route to travel to the Delta? Taking in consideration time and cost?
5. Can this route be done by towing a 4X4 caravan towed with a KZTE 4X4?

Thanks in advance for replies.
