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Servicing of a fire extinguisher:CT

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 9:55 pm
by Niel
Where can I have a fire extinguisher serviced in Cape Town at a reasonable price and what do they “service”?

Re: Servicing of a fire extinguisher:CT

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 9:52 am
by Family_Dog

Apparently the powder compacys after a while and it should be shaken occassionally to prevent this. I suppose they ensure whether the unit has sufficient gas in it too. Not sure what else they do, but in a business the fire extinguishers require servicng every year. For recreational usage, obviously not, but it would certainly be a good thing to do.

We used to have a member here, Fireman, who is the right person to ask but it has been a while since he has posted. Maybe shoot him a PM? I did ask him to write an article for us on fire & safety and he agreed to do so, so now's a good time to remind him.


Re: Servicing of a fire extinguisher:CT

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 8:48 am
by george
Hi Niel speak to Inferno 021 9034000.They come out to you.

Re: Servicing of a fire extinguisher:CT

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 11:05 am
by SuidWes

Laat weet wat hulle vra - Ek het ook een wat 'n diens kort

Re: Servicing of a fire extinguisher:CT

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 2:32 pm
by Toybox
As far as I know, they refill and re-pressurise the thing. This should be done annually.

Then once every 5 years (IIRC) it gets a full pressure integrity test.

Re: Servicing of a fire extinguisher:CT

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 2:43 pm
by ThysdJ
Toybox wrote:As far as I know, they refill and re-pressurise the thing. This should be done annually.
Not annally :twisted: :shock: :twisted:

Re: Servicing of a fire extinguisher:CT

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 4:41 pm
by CasKru
Ek dink dit is dalk net makliker om maar elke jaar die ding te vat en leeg te spuit... bietjie speel en dalk 'n vuur te maak en te toets en te kyk of jy weet hoe die ding werk en dan maar net weer 'n nuwe een te koop want ek het so idee dit prys tussen 'n nuwe en om te service is nie so groot nie

Re: Servicing of a fire extinguisher:CT

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 7:23 pm
by Niel
Thanks Goerge, sal bel en laat weet.

Re: Servicing of a fire extinguisher:CT

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 12:12 pm
by Niel

Re: Servicing of a fire extinguisher:CT

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 12:36 pm
by Jack KZ-TE
Hi all, ya fire extinguishers should be serviced anually, as you said . If it is a dry powder extinguisher the powder actually becomes compounded and when you need to use it, you dont get the recuired response from your extinguisher.

Just a note for all.....shake your extinguishers a few times just to make sure that the powder stays loose and does not become compounded, check the pressure indicator to see if the nedle is still in the green .

Idealy extinguishers should be serviced once a year by a registered technitian and should be noted on the extinguisher .

In the JHB area the by-laws state that all companies should have their extinguishers serviced once a year, otherwise a fine may be issued.

Im not sure about vehicle extinguishers, but I would say the same applies there . Although not law in private vehicles but in all public transport it is .

Wher they service your extinguishers make sure they mark it with the company sticker, technitian number and service/ next service date . Also check the seals and pressure indicator if it is full.

Sometimes these technitians just wipe your extinguisher and place a new sticker, so rather go with a recomended and surely registered technitian..

Sorry dont know guys there in Slaapstad, just here in Jozy.

Re: Servicing of a fire extinguisher:CT

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 2:44 pm
by Piesang
Ja 'n ou moet maar seker maak wie die goed diens. Het eendag gesien hoe die ouens hier op Grabouw ingvaar het en met die blussers agter 'n gebou ingery het en net daar agter 'n die boot van die kar bietjie aan die goed gepeuter het en weer gaan afgee het.
:think: Dink nie dit is hoe dit werk nie.