This article and drawer system is the work of Richard
Everatt. You can follow the discussion by clicking
I found that I had a major hydraulic fluid leak after
this weekend's Trail must have been lead footed SWAMBO , looking
at the fluid sprayed on the inside of the rear right tyre; it was
the evidently the Rear Right Brake Cylinder Seals.
The answer - to strip and install a Seals Kit; Moto or Euro Parts
Code: P 832 (Generic)
The procedure was pretty straight forward, I tried to document
it well given that I didn't do peekchaz when I replaced the shoes
last month.
Shoes off and Cylinder Stri
Cylinder Stripped
Seal Kits
Piston, Spring and Seals
Pistons and Push Rods
More Corrosion on Downfacing Cylinder
New Seals and Pistons In with Silicone
New Dust Covers on
Cleaning Shoes and Components
Shoes In
Shoe Retaining Springs On
Springs on Shoe Assembly
Lower Springs and Tensioner Assembly
The ONLY tools and equipment required
Tools Used:
1. Long Nose pliers - essential for holiding shoe retaining clips,
tensioning springs, removing pencil spring etc...
2. Flat Scredriver - in assisting long nose and levering springs
and shoes into position, adjusting tensioner etc..
3. 10mm Open Ended Spanner - to open bleed screw
4. paint brush - for cleaning
5. Clean Green - more enviro friendly and less caustic than engine
6. Paint tray - for catching dirty cleaning fluid/haudraulic fluid
etc.. and soaking parts
7. Symphoming device- consisting of 5mm clear tube attached to brake
line submerged in tin od spent fluid
8. Silicone Spray - for seating new seals and coating internal springs
after assembly
9. Replacement Dot4 Hydraulic Fluid (500ml)
10. Cat (Optional)
Time taken: Approx 1 and 1/2 hrs per wheel.
Richard Everatt