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Changing your Display Options

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 9:12 pm
by ThysdJ
Sometimes you might want to prevent the display of Signatures/Images/Smileys or even Avatars in posts as they are bandwidth-hungry or some other personal reasons. Here is a short instruction on how to go about turning these items on and off.

Step 1: Click on the User Control Panel link encircled in red


Step 2: Click on the Board Preferences link encircled in red


Step 3: Click on the Edit Display Options link encircled in red


Step 4: Change the options encircled in red as required and click the Submit Button below.


Play with these settings until you are happy. Your signature and avatar and all other graphics will still be displayed for other users.

Re: Changing your Display Options

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 9:48 pm
by BenHur
You guys will notice that some thumbnails is now larger then before. If you feel this or any other graphics slows down your connection the follow the steps Thys provided ontop and switch off viewing the images on the site.

What you will then see is text where images is supposed to be. You can then still click the text to download and open a specific picture.
