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Vita Nova xmas 4x4 day

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 11:16 pm
Hi Everyone,


It is that time of the year again when The Rotary Club of Boksburg and the McCarthy 4x4 Club join hands again to host the residents of the Vita Nova Centre for mentally and Physically disabled people. This years event will take place at the McCarthy 4x4 Club's Lapa again on Sunday 27 November. The home consists of all races who stay together as one large happy family, who may never know any other home.

We will be hosting 60 residents (30 male & 30 Female) plus 23 Helpers of the home and 3 bus drivers. The aim of the day is to entertain the residents to a 4x4 day as we do every year. The Rotarians will provide boerewors rolls and cool drinks for lunch.

We would also like to do a fund raising and collection for the home which needs our support desperately. You may ask what support are we looking for. This is then my opportunity to ask for the following:-

1. We require +- 45 4x4's & there drivers on Sunday 27 November to drive the residents on a short 4x4 trail for approx. 2 hours. We therefore request that if you can help with your 4x4, that you please contact me urgently. I require your name, surname and cell no. Type of vehicle and no. of people you can load. I would also like to know how many people you would be. We would like to provide everyone on the day with a boerewors roll. All you need to do is to provide your own refreshments.

2. Any financial donations(No matter how big or how small. Remember that it is all the drops that fill the bucket)
3. Any perishable or non perishable food stuff, tin foods, vegetables etc.
4. 90/Ninety goodie bags
5. 6 Bags of charcoal
6. Chips(Small Packets to put into the goodie bags)
7. Sweets(Various bulk Packets, which we will need to make up into packets to put into the goodie bags)
8. Cool drinks
9. Large bottles of cool drink concentrates(Oros etc)
10. Maize meal, cake flower, rice, pastas etc.
11. Towels, face cloths, etc.
12. Toiletries(Soaps, shampoo's, toothpaste, tooth brushes, hair brushes, deodorants, ladies sanitary etc.)
13. New or used toys
14. New or used jewelry for the ladies
15. New or second hand clothing(Male and female)
16. Caps
17. Dishwash liquids, Vim, Handy andy, Disinfectants etc.
18. Toilet paper
19. Boerewors & Boerewors rolls for everyone, helpers and passengers etc.
20. Coffee, tea, milo, longlife milk, milk powders, Sugar etc.
21. Biskuits, rusks etc.
22. Mince, boerewors etc.
23. Adults and baby nappies, wet wipes, powders, creams etc
24. Icecream plus cones for everyone(Residents, helpers, bus drivers, 4x4 helpers and Rotarians etc. +- 250 people)
25. Jam, Diabetes jam, syrups etc
26. Cereals

I cannot think of anything els at the present moment, but as i have already mentioned all the little bits makes the donation bigger, so anything you would like to donate will be appreciated. Please remember that this goes for a very good cause and also just think that it could have been me or you or your family member who could have been in that home.

People who would like to make large donations and who will require a tax certificate, please contact Michell Immelman(Managing Director Vita Nova Centre). Address: Fisheagle road Daggafontein Postal Address: PO Box 10865 Strubenvale1570 Telephone: (011)812 6910 Facsimile: (011) 812 6911 E.Mail: web address:" onclick=";return false;

I would just like to make this last request. Let us all please see in what way we can support this very worthy cause to lighten up the hearts of all the residents(Children -agres from baby to adultsof 70 years) of the Vita Nova Home. It is once a year we can make a difference in the lives of these people(Children)

The residents(Children) will arrive in busses and Combi's between 09h30 and 10h00. After we have welcomed them and they have visited the toilets we will load everyone into the 4x4's for a short trail of approx 2 hours. We will then return to the Lapa for lunch which the Rotarians would have prepared. Everyone will receive a boerewors roll and the children will also receive cool drinks. After everyone has had lunch the children will be entertained. Thereafter father christmas will arrive on the back of a Red 4x4 to bring all the residents(Children) of the home a present sponsored by the Rotarians.

After father Christmas has finished then the residents will start packing up to return to the home. That will be +- 15h00.

NB: If you are going to be there with your family and you are going to have your young child there and would like father Christmas to hand a gift to your child, then you must please bring a present along which will be kept seperate till the end.

If you have anything to contribute or can help in any way please contact me on my no's below or send me a return e.mail. Please do not wait till the last minute.

If you would like to make a financial deposit you must please use the following account particulars:

McCarthy Toyota
Standard Bank
Branch code: 010845
Account no.: 011-216-018

Important: You must fax the proof of payment to 086 514 1274 inorder for us to issue a cheque into Vita Nova's Account.


Kind regards.

Anthonie Coetzee
Tel. (012) 567 9623
Cell 082 928 7702

Directions to Rhino Park:
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Re: Vita Nova xmas 4x4 day

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 9:00 am
by HennieJ2
In the absence of our own community project, please support these guys - those who are not going to make it to out year-end fuction. It's a really good cause and those who did it last year, will tell you it's not that a big sacrifice at all.


Re: Vita Nova xmas 4x4 day

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 7:11 pm
Stomp :thumbup: